4109 N. Midland Dr. Midland, TX 79707 // [email protected]

Your Child’s Eye Health

4 Tips For Your Child’s Eye Health

The first eight years of your child’s life are critical for eye development. It’s important to teach your children the importance of eye health and how to properly take care of your eyes. Check out these 4 tips for your child’s eye health!

  1. Go Green-Not only is a balanced, nutritious diet good for your child’s overall health and body functions, but it is critical for your child’s eye health as well! Think dark leafy greens (broccoli, kale, spinach) and yellow veggies (squash, carrots, pumpkin) to ensure plenty of Vitamin C and D intake.
  1. Eye Aware-The best defense against eye disease is early detection. Listen to your child if they complain about eye pain or irritation. Watch for symptoms like headaches, blurred vision, rubbing of eyes, etc. and be sure your child sees an eye doctor twice a year, or as often as recommended by your doctor.

    child's eye health

    Learn some basic tips about your child’s eye health!

  1. Protect Against UV Rays-When your child is outside, encourage them to wear a wide-brimmed hat or cap as well as sunglasses. Not only will a hat help to protect their skin, but wearing a hat and sunglasses will reduce the amount of UV reaching your child’s eyes by half!
  1. Sport Protection-Discuss with your child proper safety procedures before playing sports with high velocity ball action such as tennis, soccer, basketball, baseball and hockey. If necessary, encourage your child to wear goggles or other protective eyewear.

There are a lot of factors involved in your child’s eye health, including genetics, environment, lifestyle, and nutrition. However, using these 4 tips above can help with any risk of eye disease and help your child live a healthy life with clear vision!

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