4109 N. Midland Dr. Midland, TX 79707 // [email protected]

LASIK Cost: The Breakdown

LASIK surgery is one of the most popular elective procedures in the United States. Not only does it approve a person’s appearance, but it improves the function of one of the body’s most important organs, the eyes. However, people often turn away after they learn about the cost of LASIK. Initially, LASIK cost IS off-putting. But before turning away, people should consider the SAVINGS that LASIK cost can bring!

The Savings LASIK Cost Brings

LASIK cost

What LASIK cost SAVES you.

Corrective Eyewear Costs-After LASIK surgery, you will no longer need to pay for prescriptions for contacts or glasses, new frames, solution, cases and the additional doctor visits necessary for corrective eyewear.

Time-Time is one of the most valuable elements we have. How much is your time worth? Appointments, wait time at pharmacies, putting in and taking out contacts (or finding your glasses) are all time killers that can be eliminated with LASIK surgery!

Comfort-Those who wear contact lenses can relate to the itching and burning that prolonged contact use can bring. This discomfort can lead to various eye infections and abrasions. There is NO need for discomfort with the comfort LASIK brings.

Freedom-With LASIK comes freedom from contacts or glasses. No longer do you have to sit out of sports activities or swimming because of your corrective eyewear.

Pays For Itself

LASIK surgery is a large investment. But remember, the surgery pays for itself in the form of cost savings. We challenge you. Determine how much money you spend per year on contact prescriptions, new lenses and frames, solution, doctor visits for corrective eyewear, etc. More than likely, LASIK cost will pay for itself within a couple of years (if not less!)

So, find out if LASIK surgery is the best, cost effective, option for you (most likely it is!) What’s the best way to do this? With a FREE consultation from Eye LASIK Midland! Doesn’t get more cost effective than FREE! Request one HERE. We’ll discuss your individual approach to LASIK as well as payment and financing options.