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Facts To Love About Your Eyes

Happy (early) Valentine’s Day! The human eye is a miraculous thing, which is why we wanted to share these facts to love about your eyes.

Love At At Glance.

The eye muscles are the fastest in the human body. When people say, “We fell in love in the blink of an eye,” they’re talking love at first sight.

Your Eyes Are One Of Your Biggest Supporters.

Did you know that routine eye exams could assist in diagnosing conditions such as thyroid diseases, high cholesterol, autoimmune disorders, hypertension, and diabetes? Talk about teamwork!

And They Call It Puppy Love!

A 2015 study indicated that when your dog stares at you with an unbroken gaze, your pup is actually “hugging” you with their eyes.

But Cats Are, Well, Catty.

Conversely, it’s suggested that full-out staring at a cat is a sign of aggression and intimidation. Some scientists recommend “blink kissing,” where owners slowly blink while making eye contact with their favorite feline.

Your Eyes Are As Sweet As Candy!

The lens of your eye is the size of a Skittle candy. It’s located just behind your pupil and acts just like a camera lens would…to focus your vision. Additionally, the human eyeball is 24mm, which is just a little smaller than a standard gumball.

Eyes Heal Faster Than Broken Hearts.

Eye injuries are some of the fastest to heal. In fact, most scratches heal within 24-48 hours. Be sure to see your doctor if you’re in immense pain…it could be a sign of infection.

Your Eyes & Your Brain Are In A Serious Relationship.

Whatever you view through your eyes is actually upside down. However, when that message is transmitted through the optic nerve, your brain automatically rights the image.

Eat More Chocolate!

Chocolate can be beneficial to your vision! Antioxidants found in dark chocolate can increase blood flow to the brain…and the retinas of your eyes. So eat up (in moderation, of course).

Eye Contact Is Important.

According to a recent study, engaging in mutual eye contact for two minutes (either with one’s partner or a stranger) can significantly increase feelings of love and attraction. Ooh la la!

Are you even more in love with your eyes yet? We wish you a loveable, fun-filled Valentine’s Day!

facts to love about your eyes

Happy (early) Valentine’s Day! The human eye is a miraculous thing, which is why we wanted to share these facts to love about your eyes.