Are puffy, itchy, red, watery eyes getting you down? Many people can relate. While most allergy sufferers think spring is the worst season for symptoms, autumn is a close second. However, we’re here to help you manage fall allergies to get your life back under control.
Know What You’re Dealing With
In order to successfully treat your allergies, it’s important to know what you’re up against. Though the most common spring allergen is pollen, fall brings additional allergens to the mix. Dust, ragweed, and mold are usually brought in with cooler fall weather.
Keep It Clean
While the thought of cleaning your house more frequently is frustrating, it’s critical to keep surfaces swept, mopped, or vacuumed as often as possible. Be sure have your air filters changed regularly, especially when alternating between the heat and air conditioning.
In order to control mold and mildew spores, invest in a dehumidifier. Keeping your environment between 35% and 50% humidity. This “sweet spot” can alleviate dryness in your home without making it a welcome environment to spores.
Animal dander is also a common allergen. If you have indoor pets, it’s important to keep them professionally groomed to reduce shedding. Secondly, frequent baths and at-home grooming, like brushing, help to reduce dander particles.
Properly Medicate
Allergies can cause plenty of issues: severe eye irritation, wheezing, nagging coughs, and constant sneezing. However, there are various medications available to treat allergies, including many over-the-counter options. We recommend that you talk to your primary care physician, allergy spet, or optometrist for symptom-specific recommendations.
However, we have a few options for eye-related allergy sufferers:
- Use synthetic tears and rewetting drops can be to replenish moisture and flush out allergens.
- Antihistamines block the body’s nature response to allergens, the most common of which is itching.
- Decongestant drops can help shrink the blood vessels in your eyes, which reduce redness and irritation
We hope these tips have helped you figure out some techniques to manage fall allergies. While they can be bothersome, these are definitely practical steps you can follow to prevent them from taking over your life.