When you think about it, the LASIK procedure is truly incredible. In an average of about 30 minutes, the procedure reshapes your cornea and corrects your vision. However, what about the results? How long do LASIK eye surgery results last?
Results That Last
Thanks to technological improvements and increasingly skilled surgeons, LASIK results are considered both consistent and permanent. Even though there may be some cases in which patients need additional eye treatment, vision correction is usually not necessary after completing LASIK eye surgery. However, LASIK eye surgery does not usually correct the need for reading glasses. Just like having minor prescription changes over time, you may have minor changes in your vision after LASIK eye surgery. For this reason, reading glasses may be needed in later years as eyes change with age.
The need for an enhancement (or “touch up”) procedure after LASIK surgery can be necessary given the previously mentioned eye changes. Hormonal changes can also cause the need for vision correction. Obviously, changes in eyes and hormonal variations cannot be prevented. However, the need for enhancements can be reduced by choosing a highly skilled surgeon, using the latest technology.
That’s Where We Come In.
At Eye LASIK Midland, we value your vision just like you do. We feature the latest in technology and a group of highly skilled surgeons that your own eye doctor can refer you to. If considering LASIK, there’s simply no better choice than Eye LASIK Midland. In addition to providing you with the best procedure and care, we offer interest free financing as well as affordable payment plans. We believe that no one should be denied clear vision due to financial obstacles. Ready to get started? Request an entirely FREE consultation here. Still have some questions? Take a look at our blog, LASIK Procedure FAQs.