4109 N. Midland Dr. Midland, TX 79707 // [email protected]

Six Great Reasons To Get LASIK

Reasons to get LASIK

Change your life with LASIK today!

LASIK is a fantastic procedure that can change your life. There are so many different reasons to set up your consultation, but we have tried to give you our favorites! Here are six great reasons to get LASIK!

1. It’s More Affordable Than You Think

Eye LASIK has a great financing program available to help make your procedure more affordable. If you have an HSA insurance program, you can also use the funds from your savings account to pay for your procedure. Our staff is experienced in helping you navigate the money portion.

2. (Almost) Instant Gratification
Imagine waking up the day after LASIK being able to see without glasses or contacts for the first time in years! You’ll be sleepy and need to rest your eyes immediately following your procedure but the following day, you’ll start to see better and more clearly. There are very short recovery times for LASIK, so you’ll be back to your daily routine in no time!

3. Travel Lighter
After LASIK, there’s no need to worry about packing glasses, contacts, or contact solution or cases anymore. You’ll be able to lighten your toiletry case and avoid attempting to find TSA-acceptable travel sizes for contact solution. Just grab your sunglasses and go!

4. Think Of All The Money You’ll Save
Glasses can be really expensive, with some frames alone costing several hundred dollars. Most insurance companies only offer basic lens coverage so anti-glare, UV protection, and scratch resistant lenses are the patient’s responsibility. Contacts are also pricy with the added cost of solution, cases, and drops. Insurance doesn’t always cover everything, so we encourage you to add up everything you’ve spent on your contacts and glasses over the year.

5. Get Moving
Want to go running? No problem! Is weight lifting your thing? You can do that, too! Feel like taking a swim? Easy peasy! After LASIK, you can exercise with more flexibility than ever before. You don’t have to worry about specialty glasses or removing your contacts before your workouts.

6. Sweet Freedom
Though these are just a few reasons, life after LASIK means there’s no need to:

  • Swing by your optometrist’s office to pick up your contact prescription
  • Worry about where you misplaced your glasses
  • Coordinate your glasses with your outfits
  • Panic when you’ve run out of contact solution


These are just a few great reasons to consider having LASIK. At Eye LASIK, we have a great team available to help answer all of your questions. We offer free consultations and would love to help you have clearer vision today. Visit our website to contact us today!