If you’ve ever considered laser eye surgery to improve your vision, you’ve probably come across the several different types, LASIK, PRK, LASEK, and dpi-LASIK. But what are the differences and how should you choose? Let’s discuss the different types of laser eye surgery.
Different Types Of Laser Eye Surgery
LASIK-LASIK is the most popular laser eye surgery. During LASIK, a “flap” is crated on the surface of the eye using a laser surgical tool. The “flap” is then folded back and the corneal tissue is reshaped. After reshaping, the “flap” is returned to the original position and becomes a sort of natural bandage, allowing the eye to heal. There are no stitches to reattach the “flap,” as it heals quickly and adheres securely.
PRK-In a PRK procedure, there is no “flap” created. A surgeon will entirely removed the outer layer of the cornea. The corneal tissue is then reshaped with a excimer laser. A new outer layer grows back within five days after the procedure.
LASEK-The LASEK procedure involves elements of both LASIK and PRK. Instead of discarding the outer layer of the cornea (like in PRK), the “flap” is pushed to the side, but remains attached to the eye on one side. This process exposes the corneal tissue for laser reshaping. After reshaping, the outer layer is repositioned and a bandage contact lens is placed on the eye to keep the layer in place during the healing process.
Epi-LASIK-Epi-LASIK is very similar to LASEK, with the only real difference being the type of tool used to loosen the outer layer of the cornea. This eliminates the risk of a reaction from the use of alcohol (used in LASEK).
There ya go, a quick and relatively simple explanation of each of the different types of laser eye surgery. All of the different types of laser eye surgery have high success rates, with similar vision outcomes. After a thorough consultation, our spets will be able to determine which laser eye surgery is right for you, based on your individual needs. Request one today!
The Laser Eye Surgery Center that performs your surgery is just as important as the procedure you choose. Why choose Eye LASIK Midland? Let us tell you in our blog, Choosing A LASIK Center? Choose Us!