4109 N. Midland Dr. Midland, TX 79707 // [email protected]

Prevent Eye Injuries This Month

Did you know October is eye injury prevention month?

Protecting your eyes is one of the most basic things you can do to prevent eye injuries. But when eye injuries do happen, how do you recognize them and what do you do? Find out how to not only prevent eye injuries, but also recognize them!

Wearing protective eye gear can prevent up to 90% of all eye injuries. Most eye injuries happen around the house, so wear eye protection whenever you can (mowing the lawn, working with tools, sun exposure, etc.) Eye protection is the best way to prevent an eye injury.

However, if an eye injury does occur, it is very important to see an ophthalmologist immediately, even if you think the injury is minor. Do NOT rub your eye or try to remove something you may think is causing the injury. Do not rinse your eye unless you may be suffering from a chemical burn.

prevent eye injuries

Prevent eye injuries this month!

There are several ways to know if you or someone you know is suffering from an eye injury:

  • Unusual pupil size
  • One eye is moving slower than the other
  • Obvious trouble seeing and/or irritation
  • The eye is more protruded than the other
  • Blood in the eye


Among other things, eye injuries can cause blindness, so they should be treated seriously and with extreme caution. Do not treat an eye injury yourself. More than likely, you will only make the problem worse. Call your ophthalmologist’s office for advice or to schedule a time to see a professional.

At Eye LASIK Midland, we value vision and work to protect and improve your vision. If you would like a free consultation to discuss a LASIK procedure, request one here! If you would like to stay up to date on all the latest eye care tips, Eye LASIK news and promotions, subscribe to our newsletter or take a look at our other blogs.